Bedtime stories : REMI Store

Nothing better than a bedtime story for a night full of wonderful dreams...

REMI Store App'

"REMI tell me a story!"

Pack of stories

REMI offers you a catalog of unique stories created by our partners! Selected with care, these tales are designed to help your child fall asleep and deal with topics relevant to children’s daily life.

How much does it cost?

The story pack costs 9.99 EUR

What does a story pack contain?

The story pack contains 5 audio tracks of 15 minutes each to help your child fall asleep in serenity.

Who are our partners?

Our current partners are Bayard Jeunesse, the expert in children's stories, and Zenfie, a meditation specialist. More partnerships to come!

Logo Partners REMI Store

Listen to Mr. Sleep’s stories

Little girl sleeping

Stories with no screen :

Your child is developing their imagination! No need for a screen that excites their brain before going to bed.


Relaxed sleep:

Each tale is dedicated to your child’s well-being and has a symbolic meaning to help your child evacuate the stress of the day and sleep well.


Family moments:

Listen to REMI's tales with your children and enjoy a meaningful moment shared by the whole family!

Discover ZENFI

Bedtime Stories

Calm down before sleep:

Zenfie’s stories are designed to help children fall asleep in 10 minutes!

Meditation Exercises :

At the beginning of each story, Zenfie’s stories offer meditation exercises to relax and loosen up.

Topics encouraging child development :

Zenfie's stories deal with fun topics to help your child grow up: whims and anger, fear of school, the arrival of a sibling, night terrors, enuresis...

ZENFI Stories - REMI Store

REMI comes with stories and lullabies

For each purchase of REMI, you will find in the application an extract of Mr. Sleep's tale as well as music and lullabies for your child.

REMI Store

Our stories !

Mr. Sleep

Written by Zenfi

Zozo has a problem, he can not sleep! As soon as he is in bed, full of ideas come to mind. One day, his friend tells him the story of Mr. Sleep ...

More stories are coming soon !

Follow us on social media to be up to date and miss nothing :)

REMI Store

Frequently asked questions

How can I download the stories?

The stories are directly available in the app! You can listen to them after purchasing the pack.

How can I access the stories?

Once downloaded, the stories are available indefinitely in the "Music" tab of your app. You can keep them as long as you want.

What if I have several REMIs?

The purchased pack is automatically downloaded to all of the REMIs associated to your account.

REMI Store App'

REMI Ok to Wake Clock

Spend sweet nights with REMI - kids' Ok to Wake alarm clock. REMI is an Ok to Wake clock and a long range baby monitor that evolves with your child. From 0 to 10 years old.




Night Light


Long Range Baby Monitor


Sleep Tracker


Ok to Wake Clock


Bluetooth Speaker

REMI Ok to Wake Clock