Who are we ?

Discover UrbanHello and the story of REMI's creation

Polaroid 1 UrbanHello

How to help children sleep?

Eureka ! I have an idea !


REMI is above all a family story! Hervé Artus and Catherine Seys, the parents of two children, discover like many other Dads and Moms, the difficulties of helping their little ones maintain a good sleep rhythm. It's the umpteenth early wake-up on Sunday and a new sleepless night that incite them to act. There must be a magical object that will make their two children fall asleep! Yet after consulting multiple childcare sites and asking around, nothing seems appropriate... There is no product combining all they need to take good care of the sleep of their children!

A crazy idea starts to germinate! If the magic object imagined by their minds does not exist yet, why not create it?

The birth of REMI


1 MAY 2016

Create a perfect product to make children sleep... that's a real challenge! Already proud of their first startup experience, the two founders of UrbanHello embark on a journey. The list of features is long: the sleep companion must absolutely combine all that the parents need to spend calm and pleasant nights. The months go by, and the project materializes. The smartphone application becomes evidence and the magic sleep trainer is given a very cute name: REMI – a reference to the paradoxical sleep phase also known as the acronym REM.

In 2015, the first prototype came out! What was initially a dream is gradually turning into a real product. But the journey is just beginning...

Polaroid 2 UrbanHello
Polaroid 3 UrbanHello

The Startup adventure begins...



To present their product and find investors, nothing more suitable than the CES in Las Vegas. With nearly 4,500 exhibitors from 150 countries and 200,000 visitors expected, the Consumer Electronics Show is the world's largest high-tech event of the year.

Driven by the French Tech, a term given to the ecosystem of French startups, REMI is taking its first steps in front of a broad public! A week full of emotions that ends up with the CES Innovation Award. New opportunities arise…


French Tech


Innovation Awards 2018



1 MAY 2016

Two years have passed since the beginning of the project and REMI is ready to be launched. It still needs to prove itself! The goal? Allow parents to better manage the sleep of their child from birth to 10.

REMI is initially distributed to multiple stores in France such as Carrefour and Fnac among others.


Bump Awards


NAPPA Awards !

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REMI is an evolutionary product! Each month, the UrbanHello team works on the improvement of its project in order to come up with the magic device that will make children sleep in the blink of an eye. Since its launch, REMI has been equipped with bedtime stories to help your children dive into sweet dreams and has been upgraded with better sensors for a more efficient sleep tracking. But the adventure does not stop here! Hervé and Catherine are already thinking about giving little brothers and sisters to REMI to help parents and children fall in the arms of Morpheus!

For a better sleep

Spend sweet nights with REMI, your child's sleep trainer. With its different faces, REMI is a sleep trainer and a fun alarm clock that evolves with your child. From 0 to 10 years old.


Sleep Trainer


Sleep Tracker


Baby Monitor


Baby Monitor




Bluetooth Speaker

REMI Ok to Wake Clock